Klik e.V.
Rights and resources for people with housing and social difficulties.
who we are
KLIK e.V. is a charitable aid association helping homeless people or individuals at risk of homelessness in Berlin. The focus of our services are homeless mobile EU citizens. In 2012, the team of the “Klik” contact point for “the street youth” founded the same-named association to provide reliable assistance and support programmes for young homeless mobile EU citizens in Berlin. Qualified professionals and volunteers of the multi-lingual team at KLIK e.V. are fully committed to the issues of those seeking advice.
KLIK e.V. is a member of:
What we do
The reasons for homelessness are diverse but they always indicate a resources loss spiral. The access to social assistance for homeless people or individuals at risk of homelessness who are not German citizens and/or who have stayed in Berlin for a short time yet or even undocumented is blocked in multiple ways.
Our primary task is to reduce the material poverty of those seeking advice by helping them to access social welfare benefits and by providing job search assistance. However, the orientation on the material poverty is not enough in overcoming homelessness.
We at KLIK e.V. want to help the addressees of our work to pursue their interests and to participate in society.
Referring to the reasons and impacts of homelessness, there are three areas of particular importance in our work. First, we find it important to improve the financial basis of our addressees. Second, if required, we assist in handling critical events/situations that have contributed to the loss of housing. Third, it is about the lasting improvement of addressees’ situation and its stabilisation. Considering that, we promote socio-political and social assistance.
On this background, KLIK e.V. operates a Counselling Centre for people with housing and social difficulties in Berlin Mitte. The centre provides social and psychosocial counselling and support in the German, English, Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian language. Our social workers counsel people who are homeless or at risk of losing their home and in social difficulties in handling the immediate challenges of their everyday life as well as in dealing with authorities and service providers. By means of our additional empowerment-oriented programmes and services, we are constantly committed to increasing their opportunities for participation.
where we are going
We see it as our responsibility to contribute to the improvement of the social infrastructure for people with housing and social difficulties. We support political initiatives aiming at improving the framework conditions of the help system. We want to contribute to making it possible to all people in Berlin to have access to appropriate housing, social help services and health care.
Based on the representation of the rights of our addressees and the presentation of their problematic situation to the public, we want to achieve recognition of their problems as socially caused and conditioned ones, which translates into a socio-political assumption of responsibility and the subsequent financial support of aid programmes aimed at addressing these problems.
In specific terms, our aim is to make the addressees of our work visible in the societal perception, to inform about their problematic situation and to point out the social conditions causing their difficulties.
who supports us

counselling centre
KLIK e.V. – Beratungsstelle für Menschen in Wohnungsnot und sozialen Schwierigkeiten
- Torstraße 210, 10115 Berlin
- 030 235 9797 0
- 030 407 4979 4
- empfang@klik-berlin.de
Traffic connection
S-Bahn/city train: Oranienburger Straße (S1, S2)
U-Bahn/metro: Oranienburger Tor (U 6); Rosenthaler Platz (U8)
MetroTram: Oranienburger Tor/Straße (M1, M5); Nordbahnhof (M10, M8)
opening hours
Counselling Centre for people with housing and social difficulties:
- 10.00 - 12.00
- Arranging appointments & Picking up mail
- 10.00 - 17.00
- Consultations with appointments
Arranging appointments
- 030 235 9797 0 (MO - FR 10.00 - 12.00)
- empfang@klik-berlin.de
We provide counselling services in German, English, Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian.
- For capacity reasons, we only issue postal addresses as part of the counselling process.
- If your problem is ONLY finding an apartment, unfortunately we cannot assist you.
Klik e.V. office
KLIK e.V. – Geschäftsstelle
- Linienstraße 119, 10115 Berlin
- 030 235 9797 21
- 030 235 9797 23
- empfang@klik-berlin.de
Traffic connection
S-Bahn/city train: Oranienburger Straße (S1, S2)
U-Bahn/metro: Oranienburger Tor (U 6); Rosenthaler Platz (U8)
MetroTram: Oranienburger Tor/Straße (M1, M5); Nordbahnhof (M10, M8)
GLS Bank
IBAN DE28430609671142557300
Do you want to support KLIK e.V.? We are very pleased and grateful about it. We do consider your donations as credits of trust that we treat responsibly and that we use to ensure sustainable support programmes for people with housing and social difficulties, to keep our already existing projects running and to develop and implement new projects and programmes in line with the objectives of our association.
Contact person: Alexandra Post, Katarína Dubcová, Tel.: 030 235 9797 21, 030 235 9797 23
E-mail: alexandra.post@klik-berlin.de, katarina.dubcova@klik-berlin.de
Whether one-time (“einmalig”) or recurring (“wiederkehrend”)